If you are entitled to access the company canteen, you can request your lunchcard to the "Ristorazione/Economato" office. The office is located at floor 6, building 31, gate D.
Please call the office (0382 503857 or 0382 503855) and make an appointment before getting there.
You must already have your lunchcard to proceed.
The credentials for the first access are:
If you get an inconsistency error message after login, you should check your account data in the My account section, please double-check:
If you are not able to solve the problem, please write the "Ristorazione/Economato" office using the Contact us form, or call them at 0382 503857 or 0382 503855.
After login, you can check your balance in the My account => Lunchcard details section.
To top up your lunchcard, please follow these steps:
You are strongly advised to top-up your card in advance before using it, for more information go to the Disclaimer page.